Ant install is throwing error


I tried to install the latest version “opengamma-public-platform-src-1.0.0”. I followed all the steps given on the documentation. I configured my eclipse as well used git to get the clone directory. Moreover I have installed latest version of 64-bit R on my machine. Also I have configured eclipse with the steps given in the “Setting up eclipse workspace”.

But when I run ant install its giving me the following error:


[javac] H:\OG-Platform\common\common.xml:117: warning: ‘includeantruntime’ was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
[javac] Compiling 191 source files to H:\OG-Platform\projects\OG-Master\build\classes
[javac] H:\OG-Platform\projects\OG-Master\src\com\opengamma\master\config\ name clash: meta() in ConfigDocument and meta() in AbstractDocument have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
[javac] public static ConfigDocument.Meta meta() {
[javac] ^
[javac] where R is a type-variable:
[javac] R extends Object declared in method meta()
[javac] H:\OG-Platform\projects\OG-Master\src\com\opengamma\master\config\ name clash: meta() in ConfigHistoryRequest and meta() in AbstractHistoryRequest have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
[javac] public static ConfigHistoryRequest.Meta meta() {
[javac] ^
[javac] where R is a type-variable:
[javac] R extends Object declared in method meta()
[javac] H:\OG-Platform\projects\OG-Master\src\com\opengamma\master\config\ name clash: <R#1>meta() in ConfigHistoryResult and <R#2>meta() in AbstractHistoryResult have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other

[javac]   public static <R> ConfigHistoryResult.Meta<R> meta() {
[javac]                                                 ^
[javac]   where R#1,R#2 are type-variables:
[javac]     R#1 extends Object declared in method <R#1>meta()
[javac]     R#2 extends AbstractDocument declared in method <R#2>meta()
[javac] H:\\OG-Platform\\projects\\OG-Master\\src\\com\\opengamma\\master\\config\\ name clash: <R>meta() in ConfigSearchRequest and meta() in AbstractSearchRequest have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
[javac]   public static <R> ConfigSearchRequest.Meta<R> meta() {
[javac]                                                 ^
[javac]   where R is a type-variable:
[javac]     R extends Object declared in method <R>meta()
[javac] H:\\OG-Platform\\projects\\OG-Master\\src\\com\\opengamma\\master\\config\\ name clash: <R#1>meta() in ConfigSearchResult and <R#2>meta() in AbstractSearchResult have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
[javac]   public static <R> ConfigSearchResult.Meta<R> meta() {
[javac]                                                ^
[javac]   where R#1,R#2 are type-variables:
[javac]     R#1 extends Object declared in method <R#1>meta()
[javac]     R#2 extends AbstractDocument declared in method <R#2>meta()
[javac] 5 errors

H:\OG-Platform\build.xml:718: The following error occurred while executing this line:
H:\OG-Platform\build.xml:110: The following error occurred while executing this line:
H:\OG-Platform\build.xml:99: The following error occurred while executing this line:
H:\OG-Platform\common\common.xml:117: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.

Because of which I am not able to run this:
cd OpenGamma
scripts\og-examples.bat debug

I am using a 64 bit windows 7 machine. Please tell me how to resolve this issue ?

Piyush Nagle

What compiler are you using? We use the standard Oracle JDK 6 ones, and it looks like you must be using something else, where the generics compile slightly differently.

Yeah that worked. I was using oracle JDK 7 before and now I installed JDK 6, hence I was able to point my browser at http://localhost:8080.
Thanks a lot.