SQL queries gets stalled

Hi ,

I have been noticing a strange behaviour on OG’s part.
I have inherited the class which reads the the portfolio from rest end point and give it over to web as JSON.
I am not sure , it is because of that , but after some hits OG stalls on web requests like portfolio.
PS - AM using HSQLDB as portfolio database also am noticing the same for other master too
On pressing CTRL-C on the running instance of jetty-debug , am getting the following error.

ERROR - https://gist.github.com/3857417

Let me know if you need more information.


Hi ,

Can someone give some pointer on the behaviour of this issue. I am seeing more of it. Is it because of any low main memory issues ?


I got this issue resolved. It was a issue on our side. If i see it again on some other context , i will paste it here.