FX Forward Valuation

That error occurs in calibration when the input is ill defined such that bumping the values up and down never results in a coherent set of curves. In your case, I think it is probably because you only have FX swaps and no OIS - there isn’t anything for the calibrator to meaningfully change. (with FX swaps and OIS, there is a linkage where changing one changes the other. When everything is an FX swap, that linkage doesn’t exist.) I suspect you would need to change the USD-OIS curve nodes back to being OIS trades, but unfortunately I don’t have the time to investigate fully.

Given your other questions, perhaps all you want is to create a curve rather than calibrate it. It is perfectly possible to obtain the values of a curve from elsewhere and directly create a curve as you discovered. That way you don’t need to do calibration. However, you would need to turn your quotes, which are in fact FX rates, into discount factors. (because the FX parts of Strata need discount factor curves, not FX rates)