Hi Milind,
This thread detailed how another forum user was able to use ikvm to compile Strata to C#. You should be able to do something similar with OpenSIMM.
HOWEVER! OpenSIMM is no longer an active project. As stated on the website
Since OpenSIMM was released, OpenGamma has continued to work with the industry to implement the latest versions of the SIMM standard. Due to ISDA licensing restrictions we are unable to release these later versions as open source software, but they are available commercially from OpenGamma.
ie. using the open source OpenSIMM project won’t really help you, as the methodology is not the latest one approved by ISDA. And we can’t publish the updated methodology as open source, as ISDA’s license doesn’t allow it.
If you want to contact us about our SIMM commercial offering, please contact info@opengamma.com. Note that our commercial offering is available as a web service, so there is no difficulty in calling it from C#.