Bonds - Calculate yield from price contributions or prices from yields

Thanks for the feedback
I looked at the links you sent and after writing a small testbed I found a post similar to mine here

However I cannot match the yield… For the value of yieldFromDirtyPrice I would have expected 1.981424 but I get -0.34982041294362526 instead

Why is the result so OFF the real value? I must be doing something wrong in the code (see below)


dirtyPriceFromCleanPrice: 141.50578767123287
yieldFromDirtyPrice: -0.34982041294362526

	PeriodicSchedule accrualSchedule = PeriodicSchedule

	FixedCouponBond fcb = FixedCouponBond
		.securityId(SecurityId.of("CUSIP", "135087WL4"))
		.legalEntityId(StandardId.of("LegalEntity", "DUMMY"))
		.settlementDateOffset(DaysAdjustment.ofBusinessDays(3, HolidayCalendarIds.CATO))

	ResolvedFixedCouponBond resolvedBond = fcb.resolve(ReferenceData.standard());

		dirty = DiscountingFixedCouponBondProductPricer.DEFAULT.dirtyPriceFromCleanPrice(resolvedBond, settlementDate, initialPrice);
		yield = DiscountingFixedCouponBondProductPricer.DEFAULT.yieldFromDirtyPrice(resolvedBond, settlementDate, dirty);