When building a CAD curve the RatesCalibrationCsvLoader fails as there’s no TermDepositConvention for CAD-ShortDeposit-T0. Is there a way of defining conventions that aren’t hardcoded into Strata in such a way that RatesCalibrationCsvLoader is aware of them?
See the documentation. You can create your own class, similar to StandardTermDepositConventions and register it using a config file com/opengamma/strata/config/application/TermDepositConvention.ini. See the built in file TermDepositConvention.ini for an example of the format.
Currently, Strata does not have a CSV/INI loader for conventions like this. Thus, the simplest approach is to create a class that defines the conventions using Java code, just like StandardTermDepositConventions (a package scoped class). You then add
If you want to go further and write a CSV loader, you can. See IborIndexCsvLookup for an example of how to write it. If you did that, then you would use a provider of “instance” as you suggest.
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