in OG-Example , how did OG understood that it has to use DbHistoricalTimeSeriesMaster implementation to read historical timeseries
Which version/branch?
I am experimenting on this branch - demo/20120201
In that branch (which to be honest, I wouldn’t recommend using as it’s just an internal marker) it’s defined in OG-Financial/config/com/opengamma/financial/demoMasters.xml. Yes, we know that’s hard to find, which is why we’ve just rolled out a completely new configuration system that replaces most of the spring with a component based system that limits the number of files involved. Full docs on that will be available in the 1.0 release.
The new config system can be seen here
This file lists the components to be started to create a full stack server, one of which is the time-series master. The properties referenced can be found here - . More details on the new config will follow in 1.0.
Previously, the configuration was all based on Spring. The application started a jetty server, which started a spring file (typically engine-beans.xml) which started another spring file (typically demoViewProcessor.xml) which strated other spring files including demoMasters.xml.
wow , that is one centralised powerful configuration feature indeed. thanks a ton.