3.1. Create the js file to control the security called og.blotter.forms.yournewsecurity
3.2. Add the new security to the list of available types, note the data-type element should match the name above
3.3 Create the template to be used as markup
3.4 Add the js file to OG-Web/web-engine/WEB-INF/uiResourceConfig.xml https://github.com/OpenGamma/OG-Platform/commit/e15f052f4e49d33358969a6fef78fcb3dfb923a1
We use http://handlebarsjs.com/ templates. So anything in double curly brackets is replaced when the template is compiled.
In the example below, the name attribute translates to the json object that will be submitted with the form. I would suggest you save/or load an existing trade and inspect the json in your browsers developer tools.
The {{rate}} part is replaced when you pass this variable to the template as part of the extras object.
new form.Block({
module: 'og.blotter.forms.blocks.cash_tash',
extras: {start: data.security.start, maturity: data.security.maturity,
region: data.security.regionId, amount: data.security.amount,
rate: data.security.rate},
children: [
new form.Block({module: 'og.views.forms.currency_tash',
extras: {name: "security.currency"}}),
new og.blotter.forms.blocks.Regions({name: 'security.regionId',
value: data.security.regionId, form: form}),
new ui.Dropdown({ form: form, resource: 'blotter.daycountconventions',
index: 'security.dayCount', value: data.dayCount,
placeholder: 'Select Day Count' })
Above we have one of the building blocks of the form consisting of; the module which points to the html template, the extras object, and an array of children blocks. In this case they create a currency dropdown, a regions dropdown and a day count conventions dropdown. These children blocks replace {{item_0}}, {{item_1}} and {{item_2}} respectively.