Our services are built on SpringBoot so interfacing with MongoDB is quite trivial. We had a use case where we needed to store calibrated market data for a given date but were having difficulties creating a MongoDB custom serializer because it’s an immutable JodaBean and it’s quite deeply nested. We got around it by storing BuiltMarketData as a JSON blob (string) in the DB. Typically our BuiltMarketData objects have a JSON string size of 5.7MB, compressing the data gave us a modest decrease of 5.2MB at the expense of performance. Deserializing the BuiltMarketData in a binary format (byte array) didn’t help since the resultant byte array had to be base64 encoded and stored as a string anyway.
Key definition:
public class MarketDataKey implements Bean, Cloneable, Serializable {
private LocalDate valuationDate;
private String timeZone;
private Instance instance;
public static MarketDataKey of(LocalDate valDate, String timeZone, Instance instance) {
MarketDataKey key = new MarketDataKey();
return key;
MongoDB Document Definition:
@Document(value = "marketData")
public class BuiltMarketDataDomain implements Bean, Cloneable, Serializable {
// This is BuiltMarketData stored as a SLOB (string)
private String marketData;
private String id;
private MarketDataKey key;
public BuiltMarketData getBuiltMarketData() {
return JodaBeanSer.COMPACT.jsonReader().read(marketData, BuiltMarketData.class);
public void setBuiltMarketData(BuiltMarketData marketData) {
public static BuiltMarketDataDomain of(BuiltMarketData md, LocalDate valDate, String timeZone, Instance instance) {
BuiltMarketDataDomain bmd = new BuiltMarketDataDomain();
bmd.setKey(MarketDataKey.of(valDate, timeZone, instance));
return bmd;
Spring Boot Repository:
public interface BuiltMarketDataRepository extends MongoRepository<BuiltMarketDataDomain, MarketDataKey> {
boolean existsByKey(LocalDate date, Instance instance);
BuiltMarketDataDomain findByKey(LocalDate date, Instance instance);