Using ini file to add Extrapolator

I had a look at the Measure.ini file and it seems to accomodate adding a CurveExtrapolator using the provider Can you give an example on how to do this?

I want to add this:

public static final CurveExtrapolator BARRIEHIBBERT = BarrieHibbertExtrapolator.INSTANCE;

Many thanks in advance,

There is quite a lot of information in the second half of this page. In your case, your will be adding a file with the name CurveExtrapolator.ini in one of the well-known directories, eg. in META-INF/com/opengamma/strata/config/application/CurveExtrapolator.ini. See the documentation for details of what to add and the limitations.

If something isn’t clear, ask here and I’ll try to get the doc updated.

Thanks for your help. Once I realized that the provider was my own class, the loading went perfect. Probably nothing wrong with the documentation:)