About loader scripts and the examples-simulated project

I can see looking inside the examples-simulated project that all portfolios are created with hard-coded variables inside the java code.
So is it possible to use your loader scripts inside this project to load a portfolio or not?
Thank you very much.

Stavros Kefaleas
Software Developer at The Markets Trust Company

The examples simulated project contains lots of hard coded data to allow new users to get up and running quickly. However, the project itself is fundamentally just a standard OG system, capable of having trades and securities loaded and saved into a database.

Bear in mind that there are two parts needed

  • the securities (reference data) which are normally sourced from Bloomberg via SecurityLoaderTool
  • the positions (trade data) which are normally imported from another trade system

Tthe PortfolioLoaderTool is intended to perform the task of loading both the trade and security data from csv, but it is not as documented as we would ideally like. Each @Scriptable tool also has its own sh/bat file.

For more info, see the PortfolioCopierTest class and the TestPortfolio.csv data file that it loads.

Let me be more specific.
I want to use the examples-simulated project but I want to add my own portfolio with my own stocks with data come from a csv file.
As it is now the project, the positions and the historical data are created randomly from within the code from some java classes.
I want these data to be imported from a csv file for example (or multiple csv files).
Any ideas?

Thank you again for your prompt answer.

Stavros Kefaleas
Software Developer at The Markets Trust Company

Can the author of the portfolio-loader-tool.sh give us an example where he uses two stocks with data coming from a csv file?
Thank you.

Stavros Kefaleas
Software Developer at The Markets Trust Company