I am trying to run OpenGamma on Windows 7. I followed instructions from GitHub considering runing the latest version of the system on Windows. This is the tutorial I followed:
However, when I try to run the db-create-tool.bat which is in sesame/sesame-server/target/scripts/db-create-tool.bat
(from script directory) I get the message: “sesame/sesame-server/target/scripts/RunTool” is not recognized as an internal or external operable program or batch file.
So I copied the db-create-tool.bat to sesame/sesame-server/scripts and run it from there. However then I got the following message: “Error: could not find or load main class com.opengamma.component.tool.DbCreateTool”. I suppose that this is caused by the fact that scripts are placed in the wrong directory and should be run from different location.
Could someone tell me how to create/initialize the database for the latest version of OpenGamma?
Best regards,
Jacek Witkowski