In the documentation on page, there is a section on “Start the Example Engine Server” which says;
ant jetty-debug
wait for few minutes until you see a message
Server started on port 8080
================================== JETTY START COMPLETE =====================================
I think the message is stale, today with 1.0.0 after using ant jetty-debug, I see the following.
[java] Using factory com.opengamma.component.factory.web.FreemarkerConfigurationComponentFactory
[java] Registered callback: com.opengamma.component.factory.web.FreemarkerConfigurationComponentFactory$FreemarkerInitializer@38c5564e
[java] --- Initialized freemarker in 2ms ---
[java] --- Starting Lifecycle ---
[java] May 16, 2012 10:04:26 AM com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl _initiate
[java] INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.3 06/17/2010 04:53 PM'
[java] --- Started Lifecycle ---
[java] ======== OPENGAMMA STARTED in 47210ms ========
Of course it is not big problem, it clearly works, but might useful to update the doc.