Documentation: Running the Example Engine using Ant

In the documentation on page, there is a section on “Start the Example Engine Server” which says;

ant jetty-debug
wait for few minutes until you see a message

Server started on port 8080

================================== JETTY START COMPLETE =====================================

I think the message is stale, today with 1.0.0 after using ant jetty-debug, I see the following.

[java]  Using factory com.opengamma.component.factory.web.FreemarkerConfigurationComponentFactory
 [java]  Registered callback: com.opengamma.component.factory.web.FreemarkerConfigurationComponentFactory$FreemarkerInitializer@38c5564e
 [java] --- Initialized freemarker in 2ms ---
 [java] --- Starting Lifecycle ---
 [java] May 16, 2012 10:04:26 AM com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl _initiate
 [java] INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.3 06/17/2010 04:53 PM'
 [java] --- Started Lifecycle ---
 [java] ======== OPENGAMMA STARTED in 47210ms ========

Of course it is not big problem, it clearly works, but might useful to update the doc.


Yeah, you’re quite right, that’s changed since we started using our new configuration system. I’ve updated the docs, thanks for the pointer!