Fudgemsg Python heads up

Just a heads up that I’ve started working on the fudgemsg bindings for python which have been dormant for a while. The repo for this is located at

and any suggestions and code contributions will be greatly accepted. The main purpose of doing this is to that the OG server can be integrated with a lot of the scientific visualization/algo trading tools for python like ipython workbook, numpy, scipy, zipline.

I’ve looked at two ways of interfacing python with OpenGamma. The other possibility which I looked at involves the Jython implementation of the C python API.


However, while this looks useful, it seems to be overkill for a python interface to an OG server, so I’m going to start with Fudge-Python.

In addition, I just uploaded the fudgemsg bindings to pypi.


Thanks Joe! It’s writing all the builders that we really haven’t gotten around to yet but we’re very interested in Python integration so your efforts are really appreciated. I’ve been looking at both JPype (seems pretty dormant) and also Jepp, which seems to be more active. We’ve done a bit of Jython here too but my feeling is people probably want access to the CPython libraries. I’ll be sure to post more as we ramp up our Python efforts.